Eiz A.
Senior Moodle developer
  • Main Location:
    UK, Leicester
  • Other Location:
    EU, Slovenia


Other skills:
  • API
  • Server setup & config
  • Apache
  • AWS
  • Jira
  • ...etc

Social Care Management and Training site (2018-2020)

Moodle plugin

Project details

This Moodle project was specifically tailored for a Social Care Management and Training Agency, focusing on the development and customisation of various functionalities aimed at streamlining operations, improving training delivery, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. This project encompassed a sophisticated external training management system, a robust complaints and compliments system, a versatile tagging feature for various custom plugins, and the integration of a dynamic form builder to cater to the agency's diverse data capture. The site was designed to streamline operations, improve data management, and offer a more personalised user experience.

Key functionalities:

  • External Training Management: This module allows for comprehensive tracking of external training activities, facilitating the addition of training details such as the name of the training, completion date, and the organization providing the training. It supports different trainings for various user roles and the ability for users to undergo multiple trainings. Administrators can assign multiple users to the same external training in a bulk operation, streamlining the management process. Detailed reports including training type, renewal dates, and completion status can be generated, offering insights into the training status of all users.

  • Complaints and Compliments Tracking: Custom plugins were developed to log and manage complaints and compliments, with capabilities for detailed tracking and reporting. The system allows users to file new reports, view pending and completed complaints, and manage these records based on their completion status. Features include email notifications upon the submission of new complaints or compliments, PDF export functionality for records, and comprehensive forms to capture detailed information about each entry. The tracking system is enhanced with filters and a variety of data fields, ensuring thorough documentation and follow-up actions.

  • Custom Tagging and Linking: A unique tagging system was implemented across all custom plugins to link related records, enhancing the platform's data management and workflow capabilities. This feature allows administrators and staff to tag and subsequently link various records such as incidents, appraisals, meetings, and external training records, creating an interconnected web of information that is easily accessible. The tagging system simplifies the process of tracking related documents and records, making it easier to manage client and staff files.

  • Incident and Accident Reports: The site includes dedicated functionalities for reporting and managing incidents and accidents. This encompasses the ability to create detailed reports, specify involved parties, describe the incident or accident, and document any actions taken in response. Records are easily accessible for review and can be linked to related documents or records via the tagging system, ensuring a comprehensive approach to incident management and safety compliance.

  • User Profile Enhancements: User profiles were enhanced to display tagged records, providing a holistic view of a user's related activities, incidents, trainings, and more. This feature allows for quick access to all relevant information directly from the user's profile, facilitating better management and oversight.

  • Advanced Reporting and Notifications: The system was designed with advanced reporting capabilities, allowing for the generation of detailed reports across various modules including training completion, incident reports, and complaint resolutions. Automated email notifications ensure that supervisors, HR, and relevant staff are promptly informed about new entries or updates, enhancing communication and response times.

  • Project Type:
    Complete Site
  • Year of development:
  • Client Sector:
    Social Care
  • Client Location:
  • Moodle version:
  • Tags:
    Web hosting server setup,
    Full site installation and setup,
    Theme development,
    Additional features,
    Long-term support and management

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